New site

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0:02 am GMT – now playing… Jethro Tull – Warchild

Ta-dum! It’s a spunky new look for my site! isn’t it nice? no? well.. I think it is so there.

I also added an ‘about me’ section and changed my pseudonym for my real name wherever it was mentioned. Super!




Publicado em , por macaco

0:57 a.m. GMT

I’m learning Perl. It’s not easy for a brain whose cells have been dormant to programming for ages (no, I don’t count knowing HTML as programming, for Zeus’ sake!). I used to program my Spectrum using BASIC. That hardly counts.

Anyway, I just did my first lame script and am going to test it online. Drum roll please…


It worked perfectly locally, but, obviously it didn’t online. Yes I did all the necessary chmods… Anyway, if there is that one single thing I hate about UNIX systems is how bloody incomprehensible they are!! I run a stupid telnet to the server, try running a text editor program and it’s so cryptic it get seriously ridiculous! You have to use several-key combinations to get simple things done and sometimes, absolutely nothing happens no matter how much you press any key in sight… Oh… I’m just terribly pissed that my script didn’t work.

1:21 am GMT

SHIT! I just saved April 9th over April 8th AND uploaded it!!

Damn! How can a single human being be so stupid! well… it’s bloody lost forever, I didn’t have a copy or anything… yesterday is lost forever.

1:30 am GMT

Tritão is online! Cool, maybe he can figure out what the hell’s wrong with my script headers.

No, apparently… which is fairly typical I must say… The problems I have had with software and (especially) hardware are close to ridiculous. I mean, doing everything right, everything by the book, nothing left undone, no loose ends, all corners checked and still! something screws up. Always! It makes people scratch their heads and go “hum…”. Be it motherboards or CPUs, graphics or sound boards, be it an operating system installation or, apparently, a Perl script… it’ll all screw up a thousand times in my hands until it works fine.

And sometimes, alas, out of magic… it’ll just work without anything being changed or touched, like now. It just worked! Oh Well, happiness… my very first crappy Perl script.

20:05 GMT – now playing: huh… never mind what I’m playing, I’d probably be flame-mailed for it…

What a pathetically useless day… well, I did manage to spend an hour and a half at the gym, pushing up stuff, which is nice…

Anyway, just got my haircut, a nice shave and a shower… ah! the kind of thing I like! Feel much better. Too bad I have to go to a wedding tomorrow.

No it’s not because of who’s getting married, all nice people, family and all… it’s where’s it’s going to be… it’s in a church *shudder*. Love churches, hate religion. The problem is I only like to be in churches when there is no probability at all of being approached by anyone religious. As it is, I’m going to have to go to a religious wedding which will include a mass. Wonderful? For sure!

The last one I went to included Beatles songs adapted to “oh lord save us” kind of lyrics… Hey people, the Beatles did drugs, free love and lived off big fat dividends… helloooo!? I couldn’t believe everyone was actually doing the cross sign and everything, even people I believed were non religious… fear… it’s a wonderful thing.

There were basically three people close to bursting into laughing: me, my wife and her brother… anyway, we did do a few good jokes on the priest and all… it’s one way to pass the time when lacking a gameboy. Although I suppose the best way to pass time in a church full of religious people would be to bring a portable computer with “Sin” installed and play it through the ceremony.

Oh the catholic church! The most successful gang in history. Theft, extortion, murder, persecution. Ooh, the nazis, they were so terrible… ooh! Let’s not compare them to people who invented most if not all types of bodily and psychological torture and execution, burnt people alive and held world domination in their hands for centuries…

Oh well.. I’m sure I’ll burn in hell… or perhaps I’ll be hired there!

If you want to excommunicate me, go right ahead.

21:03 GMT – still playing unpopular music

I’ve just read Jamie Zawinski’s letter of resignation from Netscape and the project… it’s here. In it he simply says that Microsoft has won the browser war and that it’s even unlikely that there’ll ever be a new version of Netscape. Chances are, Netscape, the browser that changed the world and brought the Internet to everyone, will disappear. I’m very depressed.

I sincerely cannot stand Microsoft anymore… how dare they to walk in and destroy everything and everyone around them? What next? Will they decide to go into graphics software and destroy our beloved Adobe? The already put a foot into 3D rendering by acquiring “Soft Image”, soon enough they’ll go seriously into games and kill all the truly creative and innovative game developers. Then what?

Do they simply want to rule the world? And if they do, shouldn’t James Bond be taking care of Bill Gates as we speak?

Would anyone please just bomb Microsoft out of existence?

22:36 GMT – now playing: Jean Michel Jarre – Industrial Revolution (hell! the things I used to like when I was a teenager!)

Anyway I’m beginning to work on this site a little more. As you can probably see coming in the index page looks different and the popup menu does not work. I hardly understand JavaScript, so I left the original menu at the bottom (together with the “this site sucks” warning). I’m going to try to get some help with the Script.

Hooray it now works! By Mercury!

I shall now fill in the popup menu with links to every day and be happy, for a change. Everything seems to be working just fine and I love the double eye image I used on the first page, those *are* my own eyes, one of them is a 180 degree rotated copy of the other… innit neat?… ermm… what now?

Now the log entries, or, to be more accurate, the days themselves, need a functional navigation system. As for looks, as I’ve said before, nothing will be changed and these pages will retain their initial looks as the more recent ones change (evolve?) .

Now, if only my internet connection wasn’t slower than a limp slug knowing that each step will bring it closer to a pit of lava, between around 10:30 at night and 1:30 am, I’d most certainly upload stuff and improve on this site right now… but it’s nearly impossible, my FTP connection to Fortune City falls every two files transfered and it takes almost five minutes to transfer 8 kb, if I’m lucky.




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Due to the stupidity of this diary’s user, this entry was overwritten both locally and online. How lovely hum?



Meat balls!

Publicado em , por macaco

1:18 a.m. GMT

I’m in the middle of watching Star Wars again with my wife. What a wonderful family ritual, one I’ll never get tired of!

I’m terribly looking forward to seeing the new Episode I and it’s especially annoying knowing that the movie will soon open in the civilized world and that I’ll have to wait until next October to set my eyes on it. I really hate this feeling of living in some sort of outer rim system, some sort of off-world colony, or perhaps the Kessel mines…

Anyway, it’s to damn late again and tomorrow I really have to be up early for a meeting or two. Gladly, one of the meeting involves our accountant which, by a happy turn of fate, happens to be my grandfather whom I haven’t seen in over a month.

Well, not many entries scheduled for today, then, since I’ll be away from HellMachine most of the day.

If I’m terribly lucky, then I might bring home a new SoundBlaster Live! and I can feed this crappy SoundBlaster PCI64 I now own to the pigs.

Gone to bed.

9:38 a.m. GMT

A successful breakfast for me consists of a simple, yet carefully engineered, cup of milk. It took me years to reach the perfected state of this breakfast and now I cannot live without it. It’s one teaspoon full of coffee (I use Nescafe classic), 4 teaspoons of white sugar, a cup of non-fat milk, stir. Heat up in the microwave, on maximum heat, 1,5 minutes. Immediately remove from oven and stir again. Stirring again is important because the microwave separates the ingredients.

The intense microwave heat melts the sugar into a soft caramel flavor, which mixed with the coffee is a real treat. Vary the amount of coffee according to your amount of sleepiness.

After drinking this sugary treat, your lips are likely to shut together, try keeping your mouth slightly open.

Now, feeling like I’ve just shared important and life-changing information with the world, I can get ready to get on the bus down to the river, cross it by boat and meet my partners for a nice cup of coffee and then proceed on to my meetings.


20:11 GMT

Everything went pretty well, except I didn’t get any SoundBlaster Live. Bummer.

Off to have my tuna fish with chick peas and hardboiled eggs.

22:30 GMT – now playing: Philip Glass – Island

I’m supposed to check out how to use CGI in HTML. I mean, in the middle of HMTL… can’t really figure it out… The main problem is, I don’t really know exactly what is the problem I’m supposed to solve… CGI in HTML? shouldn’t that just be a normal URL call?

Yes, as it seems it’s the , nothing much. With that cleared up it’s time to order the “Learning Perl” book.


Where do I order it from? or

I think there’s actually a problem before that dreaded dilemma: I’m broke. Darn! I need that damned book!! I just hate not having money…

23:36 GMT – now playing: Guano Apes – Tribute

I think I’ll sink in the couch drinking heavily and watching Star Wars… I’m tired.

Oh, BTW: all CGI problems solved.




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0:08 a.m. GMT – now playing: The Fun Lovin’ Criminals – All my Time is Gone

Funny how a new day starts… just now I was typing away about heat on April fifth, and suddnely I look at the clock and realise it’s the sixth already… ten points on observation here…

10:44 a.m. GMT – not playing anything, cause my wife’s asleep.

The cartoon just got edited a bit, minor changes, nothing much. Done it. Uploaded it. No history.

11:55 a.m. GMT

Working on a new site, the ideas don’t seem to be flowing all that well, which is a real bummer. It’s another thing that pisses my off: trying for hours to do something great and coming out empty or with a load of crap. Right now I have nothing and it starts to itch… little by little I start to get more and more anxious and soon enough I’ll be going berzerk, totally pissed off and unable to do anything at all. That’s me.

And that’s why there so much broken or patched up stuff around my working area, that’s why my keyboard is missing the F9 key and my drawing board chair is disfigured beyond recognition.

What do I do now?

12:02 p.m. GMT

Man! I just uploaded some files and noticed that FortuneCity has slapped some sort of banner on my index page… it’s all fine by me, of course; they do provide the 20 megs of free space, but… Can’t anyone design decent graphics in this bloody world? Have you seen the damned thing? I mean: the site looks awful, yes, but I have some plans for it to look better… now, with that horrendous thing hanging on the main page it’s always gonna look awful no matter what I do!

Cripes! *shudder*

21:52 GMT – now playing: Garbage – Hammering in my Head

The new entertainment site is starting to take shape as I draw schemes and write down its structure and functionalities. I’m aiming it for next June, will it be ready?

I just defined all of the sections and their contents, it’s time to e-mail the structure to my partners and have them comment on it. I’m quite happier with version 2.0 than I was with version 1.0, to be honest.

22:55 GMT – now playing: Genesis – The Last Domino

Victory! Tritão just made the first fully functional Perl CGI script. I mean, he just made it work, he didn’t exactly write it, but it’s a very good first step. Soon enough we’ll be making custom CGI for websites.

23:20 GMT – now playing: Philip Glass – Floe

Time to hit the kitchen and cook myself some steak!!



New site

Publicado em , por macaco

0:02 am GMT – now playing… Jethro Tull – Warchild Ta-dum! It’s a spunky new look for my site! isn’t it nice? no? well.. I think it is so there. I also added an ‘about me’ section and changed my pseudonym for my real name wherever it was mentioned. Super!

Ler o resto


Publicado em , por macaco

0:57 a.m. GMT I’m learning Perl. It’s not easy for a brain whose cells have been dormant to programming for ages (no, I don’t count knowing HTML as programming, for Zeus’ sake!). I used to program my Spectrum using BASIC. That hardly counts. Anyway, I just did my first lame script and am going to […]

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Publicado em , por macaco

Due to the stupidity of this diary’s user, this entry was overwritten both locally and online. How lovely hum?

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Meat balls!

Publicado em , por macaco

1:18 a.m. GMT I’m in the middle of watching Star Wars again with my wife. What a wonderful family ritual, one I’ll never get tired of! I’m terribly looking forward to seeing the new Episode I and it’s especially annoying knowing that the movie will soon open in the civilized world and that I’ll have […]

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Publicado em , por macaco

0:08 a.m. GMT – now playing: The Fun Lovin’ Criminals – All my Time is Gone Funny how a new day starts… just now I was typing away about heat on April fifth, and suddnely I look at the clock and realise it’s the sixth already… ten points on observation here… 10:44 a.m. GMT – […]

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