The day went fairly ok… went to deposit the checks, totaling 5.252 Euro (vat included, which will be delivered to the taxman :) soon).
I started work on a new site for a client, and it’s going fairly well, once again.
At the end of the afternoon I went to meet my parents at the gym and they gave me some pills, Pacinone 40 is the name, halazepam is the ingredient. Never took it, so I’m going to start on a rather low dosage, half in the morning, half at night.
We’ll see if it works or not… keep your eyes on the stress bar :)
Note: I just saved the 29th entry over the 28th entry. FUCK! I hate when this happens… anyway, I’m not writing it all again, so here’s the breakdown:
– went to a 4 hour meeting, got a check
– Dee got my mail: another check there
– Dee got accepted as a design teacher at the school where I teach
– I have admitted to myself having a problem, so my parents are going to medicate me with some pills to try and control my anxiety
Well, it’s now a bit over midnight, I just finished watching “The X-Files: Fight the Future” with Dee. My heart kept racing, not that I was terribly excited about the movie (although I did like it, I’d seen it before)… I was just in my normal state of anxiety.
But -AHA!- this time I have drugs! I just took my pill and I’m hoping it really works. Anyway, since I can take up to three a day I can always increase the dosage, provided my parents tell me so, of course.
I’m going to have to wait up to an hour for the pill to take effect. In the meanwhile I’m waiting for Nort… there he is on the mobile! He’s coming online for a little game of Quake hehehehe, let’s turn all this anxiety into rockets!!
Hope is probably the worst enemy of happiness. Ripley died today. She was put to sleep by the vet who found all sorts of diseases on her, including a form of immunodeficiency, typical of cats, which was going to put her through a world of pain. I don’t really know what to write, I have 6 million bad feelings bottled up in my throat that won’t come out. My wife and I had to go in the middle of the woods at night to bury her. As if all that wasn’t enough, there’s a possibility that all the other cats have gotten the virus as well.
When all this is over and I can open my eyes, please let me know.
We took Ripley to the vet in the morning, today. She’s definitely on her way to recovery, although it’s still hard to tell if there’s any serious internal injury.
She was full of energy and walked around the house and messed around with the other cats. Her pupils fully contract now, I think, although her membranes remain half closed.
We started putting on some cream for her eyes.
She still bleeds from her nose occasionally, especially when she sneezes.
I’m quite happy and relieved with the present situation and, after three sleepless nights, I’m definitely going to get some sleep tonight.
A friend of ours, who got married a little before we did, a year ago, is getting divorced. How weird… I mean, I can’t see myself making that big a mistake. Maybe I’m wrong.
Anyway, Ripley (we called her Ripley, yes), is really starting to come back to life. She’s significantly better, and breathes normally now. She can walk, although not very well and she still has her eye mebranes half closed. However, I think her pupils are not as dilated anymore.
It was a quiet day, Dee being away at our friends birthday all day, and me taking care of Ripley, including taking her to the vet for her shots.
The cat still breathes with difficulty and spent the whole day panting.
However, the temperature has gone up to normal levels which is a very good sign.
The vet checked again and her jaw is definitely broken, but not loose, which is very good. Apparently she’s broken the left corner and the vet moved it a bit to get it in place. She appears to have no other fractures, but she still doesn’t stand by herself and always falls to her left.
We can’t feed her, she won’t swallow. We did manage to give her some water though, with a syringe.
The day went fairly ok… went to deposit the checks, totaling 5.252 Euro (vat included, which will be delivered to the taxman :) soon). I started work on a new site for a client, and it’s going fairly well, once again. At the end of the afternoon I went to meet my parents at the […]
Hope is probably the worst enemy of happiness. Ripley died today. She was put to sleep by the vet who found all sorts of diseases on her, including a form of immunodeficiency, typical of cats, which was going to put her through a world of pain. I don’t really know what to write, I have […]
We took Ripley to the vet in the morning, today. She’s definitely on her way to recovery, although it’s still hard to tell if there’s any serious internal injury. She was full of energy and walked around the house and messed around with the other cats. Her pupils fully contract now, I think, although her […]
A friend of ours, who got married a little before we did, a year ago, is getting divorced. How weird… I mean, I can’t see myself making that big a mistake. Maybe I’m wrong. Anyway, Ripley (we called her Ripley, yes), is really starting to come back to life. She’s significantly better, and breathes normally […]
The cat still breathes with difficulty and spent the whole day panting. However, the temperature has gone up to normal levels which is a very good sign. The vet checked again and her jaw is definitely broken, but not loose, which is very good. Apparently she’s broken the left corner and the vet moved it […]