Governments are a bad idea

Publicado em , por Pedro Couto e Santos

My wife’s a teacher. She was a teacher last year, she was a teacher the year before that, and she wasn’t a teacher before because she was still in school.

As it is, you can’t really be a teacher. You can compete for a vacancy in a school. If you get placed, you get to teach at that school for a year.

The kids might like you (as it happened, they did like her), the other teachers may get along with you (as they did), you can help in school activity, get involved, make exhibitions in town with your student’s work, have students that are not your students look forward to being your students the next year. Sad news is… your head is for sale at the end of the year again.

Forget all about it, you were never a teacher at that school, you are now up to face the competition all over again.

So I went with her to take care of that, to fill in lists with school vacancy codes in order of preference, to be in line for hours waiting to deliver all the stamped, filled in a checked papers and hope. Hope that you get placed on one of the vacant spots in a school near you, or even hope it might be the same school as last year.

Thousands of teachers go through this every year, thousannds of kids never get the same teacher two years in a row… and dozens of school remain without teachers for this or that subject. And why?

Because governments are a bad ideia…


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