One year and counting

Publicado em , por Pedro Couto e Santos

It’s my first wedding anniversary today.


So I’ve been married for a year. What’s it like? It’s like being alive, waking up everyday, walking around and doing what you normally do. Do I like it? Heck yeah!

What? You think I’m stupid? Would I actually marry someone I didn’t enjoy? Yes, yes, I know there are plenty of people out there who get married to “the wrong person”, but I like to think I have more than two brain cells in my head.

Marriage is not a simple thing, but neither is life or managing to feed three or more cats at the same time. People who get married almost always suffer from the same problem: they know who they’re marrying, but they’ve never actually lived with the person before. And there’s much to be said about living with someone.

My first advice for married people is to talk to other married people. As soon as you realize that the things that annoy you are exactly the same things that annoy your friends, you’ve got it. It’s simple, it’s like when you want to play the guitar you have to ignore the pain in your fingers, you want to learn how to swim, then you’ll have to learn how to exhale under water.

You want to be married? Then you’ll have to get used to the fact that when a woman says: “I’m almost ready”, it actually means: “I’m starting my make up now, it should take about one and a half hours”. When you say “you look fine in that dress”, she actually hears “you’re fatter, don’t get delusional, take that rag off” (which sometimes, might be what you’re actually trying to say). Many people turn these simple situations in to terrible fights, which inevitably end in “you don’t love me” or “I’m leaving you”, or both… and then truly culminate in some sort of making up.

It’s tiring, emotionally exhausting and no fun at all. So a piece of advice, even though, I know, I’ve only been married a year: don’t do it.

On the other hand if you don’t want to get married: DON’T!

Do the world a favor and stay single… heck, we don’t want your offspring running around the streets ANYWAY! Of course you can have children without being married, obviously… but just don’t anyway, OK? Unless you really have something in your DNA worth while leaving to the world like I do. :)

So here I am, married for a year… I feel good, must be the weather, it’s nice and breezy.


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Um comentário a “One year and counting”

  1. Vitor says:

    Não posso deixar passar este post em branco… Parabéns pelo post do primeiro ano, e, parabéns por agora já ires a caminho dos 12!

    Um pouco lamechas, mas é a verdade: Os teus posts familiares são uma das tuas maiores joias que mais aprecio por partilhares!

    Só por isso, mereces todo o apreço! A famí­lia (embora nos tempos que correm quase pareça ser uma espécie em vias de extinção) é o maior tesouro que um homem tem a honra de criar, conduzir, cuidar, tratar…!

    Casei em 2001 (no mês das torres gêmeas) e em meados de 2003 estava tal qual as ditas torres gêmeas no “day-after”… No entanto, e porque acredito no que escrevi acima, não perdi a esperança no amor e na paixão e desta vez já com a pessoa certa, voltei a dar o nó em 2007… Em 2009 tive o prazer de ser pai e sinceramente… É a maior ’empresa’ de todas!

    (e podes crer que essas sábias linhas que escreveste aí­ em cima, deveriam fazer parte de uma espécie de “cartilha para quem pretende casar”! Quando se é noviço nisto, podes crer que é difí­cil compreender essas verdades!)

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